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The Hearing Loss Association of America (formerly Self Help for Hard of Hearing People - SHHH) was founded in 1985 to provide outreach to those who do not hear well.  The Albuquerque Chapter was formed in 1991 as an affiliate of the national organization.  We are a non-profit support group that believes hard of hearing people can help one another, be helped,  and can participate successfully in society.


Our primary purpose is to educate ourselves, those close to us, and the general public about the causes, nature and complications of hearing loss and what we can do for ourselves and others to cope with that loss.


The Hearing Loss Association of Albuquerque holds regular meetings at which we may have a guest speaker on a topic of interest to our members.  Sometimes we have meetings where we share our experiences and knowledge about coping.


We meet once a month from September through June.  We have real time closed captioning, sign language interperters, and a hearing loop at our meetings to help those with various levels of hearing loss to participate in the meeting.

We welcome guests at all of our meetings, and invite you to join us for the next one.  The time, date and location are posted on our Home Page

Hearing Loss of America - Albuquerque Chapter Board

President: Vacant

Sec'y/Tresurer Bobbi Rodriguez

Programs: Olivia Fadul

Hospitality: Vacant

Publicity: Vacant

Membership: Jim Dillow

Director: Courtney McBride

Wired for Sound Editor: Rod Rodriguez

Advisor: Carol Clifford Au.D


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Chapter By Laws

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