Watch the Dec 2021 Meeting Video with
Mary Clark
What Does the Proposed FDA Regulation for OTC Hearing Aids Mean to You
Can they help anyone with hearing loss?
What are they intended for?
How much will they cost?
What WON'T they do?
What are the other choices?
How do I figure out what's best for me?
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Watch the Jan 2022 Meeting Video with
Camille Dunn
Cochlear Implants - What You Need to Know
Dr. Camille Dunn, Assistant Professor and the Director of the Cochlear Implant Program at the University of Iowa, gave us an update on cur-rent Cochlear Implant requirements, steps that need to be taken after it is determined if you are a candidate and the possible out- comes that patients can expect. Dr. Dunn answered the following questions: What are the current requirements for a Cochlear Implant candidate? Have they changed recently? Are they expected to change in the near future? What is the process for getting a CI? What can one expect from a CI?
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Watch the Feb 2022 Meeting Video with
Dr. Douglas L. Beck Au.D
Hearing, Listening, Cognition and Amplification
Every person has his or her own unique ability to understand speech in noise. The factors which determine your ability to un- derstand speech in noise include your hearing, your listening ability, your cognitive abilities, your hearing aid(s) and more. In this brief talk, Dr. Beck reviewed the key points which determine how well you can understand speech in noise.
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Watch the Oct 2022 Meeting Video with
Olivia Fadul
ABCs of Listening Skills for Hearing Loss
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Olivia Fadul presented
"The ABCs of Listening Skills for Hearing Loss: Navigating after 2020". This program is aimed to provide research, life experiences and best practices for those living with hearing loss.
Watch the Dec 2022 Meeting Video with
Maria Jaunakais and Mary Clark
Cochlear Implant—the patient’s viewpoint
Maria and Mary shared information about cochlear implants (CI), but not the technology end, nor the manufacturer’s end, but from the user's point of view, and the initial steps in the process with the audiologist. Maria is an audiologist with Albuquerque Hearing and Balance who focuses on CI patients exclusively. Mary Clark is a lifelong hearing aid wearer who only recently qualified for a CI in one ear. Our speakers will trace the steps between “maybe?” to the appointment for surgery.
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Watch the Jan 2023 Meeting Video with
Jamie Bogle, Ph.D
Vestibular/balance problems
Our speaker, Jamie Bogle, AuD, PhD, spoke about the vestibular system (also known ashow we maintain balance) and how it impacts dizziness. Specifically, in this short presentation, Dr. Bogle’s primary focus was discussing the common causes of vestibular system disorder (dizziness & vertigo). In addition, she discussed rehabilitation and medical options available to symptoms of vestibular system disorders.
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February 2023 Meeting Video with
Dr Norm Dawson
Hearing Loss and Dementia —The Connection
Have you ever wondered how hearing loss might affect your brain? Maybe even dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease? If so, then our February presentation is for you and the people in your life. Our speaker will speak on his personal journey of deafness for most of his life and how he discovered the lifestyle choices he made to prevent dementia including hearing devices. He will also discuss some of his personal advocacy for equal access as a deaf person.
Dr. Dawson, a retired chiropractor of 24 years and now a community health educator, will provide invaluable information about dementia. The HLAA ABQ Chapter looks forward to this presentation and hopes you will join us this month.
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Watch the March, 2023 Meeting Video
Grief: Dealing With Hearing Loss
Presented by
Gloria Pelletier and Chelle Wyatt
Many who’ve lost their hearing feel profound grief for lost connections. Their world feels smaller. If you resonate with this, check out this video. The speakers in March were Gloria Pelletier and Chelle Wyatt.
Gloria is a Licensed Clinical Social worker anda Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor. She is a trained therapist and advocate with over 30 years experience. From an early age, she had untreated and unrecognized hearing loss. It runs in her family of origin. When her hearing dropped so much that communication was not viable, it created much turmoil that she began her search for communication. With little or no support for the hard of hearing (HOH), she began her own research. Now she is sharing what she learned and how to achieve independence with hearing loss. She is currently working closely with vocational rehabilitation to find equipment and technology that allows her to continue to communicate with clients. The goal is to train anyone interacting with the HOH on strategies to treat HOH.
Chelle has worn hearing aids for over 30 years. For the first 17 years, everyone thought that hear- ing aids fixed her hearing loss, herself included—a common misconception. Hearing devices are great, but you must also learn to be proactive with hear- ing loss, find your tribe for support, and know the accommodations available to fill in the gap.
As a volunteer for the SayWhatClub and HLAA- SLC for 13 years, she learned new skills in various roles (SWC convention co-chair, Walk4Hearing co-chair, steering committee member, president, treasurer, and more). In the last year and a half, she helped found Hearing Loss LIVE!, which shares how-to podcasts, blog posts, and vlogs.
Watch the May 20th, 2023 Meeting Video
Hearing Loss Travel Tips and Stories
Group Discussion moderated by
Norm Dawson and Mary Clark
Travel season is upon us. For many of us, this is an enjoyable experience. One gets to see different cultures, see loved ones and relax. But for individuals with hearing loss, sometimes this can be hectic and bring up anxiety. For example, navigating the airports or train can be stressful. How do I navigate communication at the airport or Transportation Security checkpoint? Will I be able to hear the boarding gate announcement? Will I miss our flight? If I am traveling alone or with a
group, what can I do to ensure an enjoyable and stress-free experience with my hearing loss? For May, our HLAA-ABQ’s program is geared towards having a rap session of sharing practical tips on traveling with hearing loss (e.g., airplane, car, cruise, train, navigating hotels, tours, and restaurants). We aim for this program to be one of laughter, camaraderie, and a space to share stories and learn from one another on the best ways to travel with hearing loss.
These are a few guiding questions we will discuss:
How does one travel with hearing loss?
What are the best practices and tips for traveling with hearing loss?
Are there laws and regulations that protect individuals with hearing loss?
What are some ways to advocate for oneself when traveling with hearing loss?
From past experiences, what have you learned from traveling with hearing loss?
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Watch the June 17, 2023 Meeting Video
Hearing Loss and Thriving in the Workforce
Presented by Dr. Cleese Relihan
Hearing loss affects more than the individual who experiences it. It can also impact how a person thrives in the workforce. According to the CDC (2023), about 25% of all workers have been exposed to hazardous noise. About 15%, or 37.5 million over 18, report hearing loss. For our June program, we are delighted to host Dr. Cleese Relihan, board member of HLAA Accessible, Inclusive Employment Taskforce, a Taskforce dedicated to supporting individuals with hearing loss by providing educational opportunities that teach how to effectively self-advocate and expand their career opportunities. Cleese was diagnosed with severe to profound hearing loss at age three. He wears two digital hearing aids and learned to listen and speak through auditory verbal therapy. From kindergarten to his doctor- al program, he has always attended the regular classrooms with his hearing peers
Cleese holds a bachelor's degree in political science from San Francisco State University and a master's degree in public administration from the University of San Francisco, and he just graduated this past December with a Doctor in Education from the University of San Francisco. Cleese has worked in city government for seven years, two years in business development and five years in economic development.
Dr. Relihan will providee a brief background of disability history, legal rights, the disability rights movement, and helpful strategies and accessibility we can use in paid or volunteer work.
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Watch the September 16, 2023 Meeting Video
Diabetes and Hearing Loss
by Dr. Norm Dawson
In September, were delighted to have Dr. Norm Dawson, an engaging speaker who talked about diabetes and hearing loss. He spoke about how diabetes and hearing loss can occur to- gether.
Hearing loss happens for many reasons. You probably know that it can happen as you age or if you spend too much time around loud noises. You may not know that having diabetes puts you at risk for hearing loss. Managing your blood sugar is a critical part of your diabetes care. It can also help protect your hearing. Diabetes can lead to nerve damage that affects many parts of the body, including your hands, feet, eyes and kidneys. Over time, high blood sugar levels can damage small blood vessels and nerves in the inner ear. Low blood sugar over time can damage how the nerve signals travel from the inner ear to your brain. Both types of nerve damage can lead to hearing loss. Hearing loss is twice as common in people who have diabetes as it is in people of the same age who don’t. Even people with prediabetes (blood sugar levels higher than normal but not high enough yet to have type 2 diabetes) have a 30% higher rate of hearing loss than people with normal blood sugar levels.
Dr. Dawson, a retired chiropractor of 24 years, and now a community health educator, provided invaluable information about diabetes and hearing loss.
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Watch the October 21, 2023 Meeting Video
Hearing Aids and Your Hearing
Jeff Grama
October’s program wasa presentation by Jeff Grama M.A. an established audiologist from the Los Angeles area that was recorded on YouTube by the LA chapter of HLAA. His talk is entitled: Hearing Aids and Your Hearing – Learn the Latest advances in hearing aid technology. Jeff has been an audiologist for over 40 years. He discusses a bit of history, the evolution of analog and digital technology, and all of the various terminology that is used by manufacturers to describe their features. He is clearly up to date on his information, so we look forward to sharing his program with our chapter.
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Watch the November 18, 2023 Meeting Video
Estate Planning and Elder Law
Johanna Pickel
Johanna is an estate planning and elder law attorney who is also a member of the legal group called SNA for Special Needs Alliance. She is fully on board with doing a presentation on wills, estate planning, and how elder law plays a role geared to an audience who will be grateful to be able to “hear” her, along with the captions. Johanna Pickel has her Masters in Law (LL.M.) in Estate Planning and Elder Law from the Western New England University School of Law.
She attended the University of New Mexico School of Law (UNMSOL) for her Juris Doctorate (J.D.), graduating in 2004. After graduating from the University of New Mexico Law School, Mrs. Pickel joined the United States Air Force as an assistant Judge Advocate General (JAG), serving in Florida, Japan, and Colorado. She is a veteran of the Iraq conflict, deploying with the Law and Order Task Force (LAOTF) in 2008.
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Watch the December 16th, 2023 Meeting Video
Latest Cell Phone Apps for People With Hearing Loss
Mary Clark
You asked, and we will do our best to deliver some tips and tricks and some basics about cell phone apps. Everything from “What’s an app?” to “Where do I find them?” to learning about some of the apps that can make a world of difference for peoplewith hearing loss. Everything from how to look for a quieter restaurant, to multiple speech to text apps, and "What’s a speech to text app?
Join Mary Clark, a long-time member of the ABQ chapter, and Ann Thomas who will be joining us via Zoom to co-host a presentation that will focus on the basics and learning about new apps. Ann Thomas shared a presentation about cell phone apps with our chapter about 5 or 6 years ago, and it was well done and well received. She is president of the Diablo Valley (CA) chapter of HLAA, and serves on the Get in the Hearing Loop Committee at the national level for HLAA.
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Watch the January 20, 2024 Meeting Video
Hearing Loss and Balance
How many of us have known family, friends, etc who suffer from dizziness and hearing loss? This comes under a category called “vestibular” issues. The connection between vestibular issues and hearing loss can leave a patient feeling there are no solutions to their dizziness. That’s where our January speaker can help shed some light on what solutions there are for rehabilitation with vertigo, regardless of the cause
Meet Morgan Fry, Doctor of Physical Therapy with a NCS, Neurologic Specialist Certification. Morgan will share with us some of the physiology of the connection between hearing loss and vertigo, but more importantly, why this isn’t a life sentence with dizziness that limits our lives.
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May 18th, 2024 Meeting Recording
Topic: ”The Story of Pah! Hiland Plaza Apartments, the Deaf Culture Center of Albuquerque”
NM lacks accessible and affordable apartment units and community space for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind New Mexicans. The Deaf Culture Center (DCC) office and community space will be located at PAH! Highland Plaza, by Central and San Mateo in Albuquerque. It’s an affordable, accessible housing complex in Albuquerque that features apartment units specifically designed for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind residents. The DCC features specialized design elements and equipment to make the offices and community spaces accessible to members of this language and cultural minority. The DCC business plan aims to increase the choices, dignity and quality of life for community members to support themselves.
Lisa McNiven, MPA, talked about the development of the DCC, Pah! Hiland Plaza and the model for future businesses to grow the economic wellbeing of the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind community. It is to increase not only job opportunities but also communication access with the wider community through the awareness of American Sign Language.
Lisa is the Deputy Director of the New Mexico Governor's Commission on Disability (GCD). She has worked there for 18 years. Lisa was born deaf to a hearing family and struggled to succeed in a hearing world. She graduated from the only liberal arts University in the world for the Deaf: Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. with a BA in Psychology.
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Watch the September 21, 2024 Meeting Video
Hearing Loss and Dementia
Research shows that if caught early enough, dementia can be prevented or delayed in 45% of cases by addressing modifiable risk factors. According to the 2024 Lancet, the #1 modifiable risk factor is untreated hearing loss. As hearing health care providers,we can help patients live longer, healthier lives. The ACHIEVE study shows data on the positive impact treating hearing loss can have on cognition.
David Lisko, Au.D.will discuss how Cognivue has made a huge impact in hearing health care as it pertains to audition and cognition of our patients, and how hearing health care providers can help make an even bigger impact on the lives of patients and their families. He will discuss how hearing healthproviders can implement cognitive screening into their practices without any hint of scare tactics, how to present results to a patient in a kind and professional way, how to garner more physician referrals by incorporating cognitive screening, and how to be viewed as more of a medical model due to incorporating more testing to their everyday test batteries.
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Watch the October 19, 2024 Meeting Video
Using Humor as a Coping Strategy for Hearing Loss
Even the worst of situations can have a humorous side, hearingloss included. Richard Pocker loves recounting the story of whenhis wife was giving birth and he thought his name was being called, and ran into the wrong delivery room! He still has flash-backs from that incident but can laugh at himself. He talks to support groups about seeing the humor in the mistakes that can inadvertently occur with hearing loss. Come learn the techniques and how to lower your stress level.
Totally deaf for 35 years, Richard received bilateral cochlear implant surgery just prior to his 65th birthday. He went from zero speech comprehension to 85% with time and effort at rehabilitation, and he recently tested at 100%. He is the creator and producer of the podcast, (also available on Spotify). His book “Cochlear Implant Basics: What a Candidate for a Cochlear Implant Needs to Know” is available from Amazon in print or Kindle, and is published in seven languages.
An autobiographical sketch: The Idiot from Mensa: Not Among the Gifted. He holds local support groups for those withhearing loss as well as mentoring candidates and recipients of cochlear implants
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Watch the June 15th, 2024 Meeting Video
Top 5 Problems with Hearing Loss in a Hospital
Dealing with a medical emergency when we have a hearing loss can be terrifying. Our speaker this month is passionate about advocacy for people in the hospital, or the doctor’s office or the Emergency room. Mary Clarj shares some ways to help make these scenarios less terrifying. Like so many things in our lives preparation or thinking ahead can make a difference. Grabbing our Hospital Kit should be the only thing we need to remember, and the rest of the pieces will be easier to overcome. When we are under stress, as medical scenarios tend to be, it’s normal to forget all those things we need to do. Having a “grab and go” kit can help alleviate some of that stress.
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